The Resonance Model (Newburg et al., 2020).

For our next blog post we’ve chosen to zoom in on the Resonance Model developed by Dr. Newburg et al (2002). This model was developed with intent to further explore the underlying mechanisms behind both performance excellence and life engagement. 

In essence, this model encourages the performer to use their dream as the focal point in their pursuit of excellence, leaning on their dream to prepare, persist through inevitable obstacles, reinforce their mission, and ultimately work toward their version of success. 

Findings from this study show that this cyclical process was deemed “typical” within the studied population as the given performer worked toward mastering their craft. Within this study, the researchers defined resonance as, “a seamless fit between their internal self and their external environment” (Newburg et al., 2002). 

Finding purpose and achieving one’s highest potential are concepts that guide a lot of the work done at Limitless Mental Performance, and we often use this model as a reference when facilitating our clients’ goals. The goal and ideal application of this model? Living your dream. 

We’ve been testing this model out on our own, generating creative ways to integrate this model into our consulting practice and even revisiting our own dream of establishing an impactful and innovative performance psychology practice. This leads us to ask: what is your ultimate dream? What steps will you take today to work toward your ultimate dream?

Visit the link below to give it a go and create your own version of the Resonance Model! 


Newburg, D., Kimiecik, J., Durand-Bush, N., Doell, K. (2002). The Role of Resonance in Performance Excellence and Life Engagement. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 14(4), 249-267.

#Limitless #MentalPerformance #SportandPerformancePsychology #PerformanceExcellence #ExpandPossible


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